Penn State Classifieds>Penn State Online Courses>The Radio Sky I: Science and Observations

The Radio Sky I: Science and Observations

About this Course

The serendipitous and unexpected discovery of radio emission from celestial objects opened up the possibility of studying a new and exciting view of the universe beyond the visible spectrum. Astronomers have been studying the cosmos in visible light since ancient Greece, but it is only in comparatively modern times that the universe beyond the visible spectrum has become accessible to us. In this course you will learn about the most important objects that emit in the radio regime, both within and beyond our own galaxy. Covering topics from the birth and death of stars to the detection of Gravitational waves you will learn how radio observations contribute to a richer understanding of the universe we inhabit. This course also introduces the basics of radio detectors and the technologies we use to observe at radio wavelengths.

Created by: École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne

Level: Intermediate

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