Penn State Classifieds>Penn State Online Courses>Strategic Brand Management (2023 T2)

Strategic Brand Management (2023 T2)

About this Course

In this course, part of the Marketing in a Digital World MicroMasters program, you will learn how to apply the concepts of advertising and marketing to branding. We will examine topics and various strategies related to building, measuring, and managing a brand, including direct and indirect measures of brand equity, structures of desired brand knowledge, choice of brand elements, development of supporting marketing programs, and management of brands over time. You will learn how to: Develop a framework to identify and establish brand positioning and values to build customer based brand equity Plan and implement brand marketing programs through integrated marketing communications and brand associations to build brand equity Evaluate how a brand equity management system can capture customer mindset and enhance market performance through sources and outcomes of brand equity Design specific strategies that focus around extending, revitalising and reinforcing existing brands to retain brand resonance (i.e. loyalty, attachment, community and engagement). The branding landscape is fast-paced and continually changing, yet is a stimulating and exciting environment in which to work. This course is relevant to anyone working in marketing, communications, public relations, social media and advertising. This course is part of the CurtinX MicroMasters Credential in Marketing in a Digital World that is specifically designed to teach the critical skills needed to be successful in this exciting field. In order to qualify for the MicroMasters Credential you will need to earn a Verified Certificate in each of the five courses.

Created by: Curtin University

Level: Advanced

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