Power Searching with Google

About this Course

Get the most out of your search engine skills! While searching on the Internet is easy and fast, it’s not intuitive or straightforward. This course, Power Searching With Google, covers everything you need to know to become a power searcher, someone who can find information quickly, effectively and accurately. This course will cover everything from search basics (how to make an effective query), up through advanced search tips and search feature methods (using operators like intext: filetype: and site: to narrow your search), along with ways to determine if what you’re finding is credible. Each unit covers a fundamental aspect of online search, teaching you to be more guided and precise in your online research. Your instructor, Daniel Russell, has been on the inside of the Google Search engineering team since 2005. His research on how people use online search tools to find what they seek gets translated into effective tips and tricks everyone should know.

Created by: Google

Level: Introductory

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