Penn State Classifieds>Penn State Online Courses>Portfolio Management Professional Certificate Examination

Portfolio Management Professional Certificate Examination

About this Course

Ready to earn a professional certificate and stand out in your field? If you’ve gained a clear, comprehensive understanding of the courses, your next step is to complete the Portfolio Management Professional Certificate Examination from the New York Institute of Finance. The exam comprises 30 questions, timed at 60 Minutes. To qualify for the certificate, learners must receive a grade of at least 70% or better. Prerequisite for this exam: Earn a Verified Certificate in all parts of the Derivatives program from NYIF: CO1: Fixed Income Portfolio Management CO2: Equity Portfolio Management CO3: Hedge Fund CO4: Portfolio Management Theory and Practice (Part 1) CO5: Portfolio Management Theory and Practice (Part 2)

Created by: New York Institute of Finance

Level: Advanced

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