Penn State Classifieds>Penn State Online Courses>Italian Language and Culture: Intermediate (2023-2024)

Italian Language and Culture: Intermediate (2023-2024)

About this Course

Benvenuti e Benvenute! (Welcome!) In this language course, you will enhance your Italian language skills, enrich your vocabulary and expand your conversational skills. You will learn how to have exchanges on a variety of topics, and continue your immersion in the Italian culture through unique videos and interviews. You will also become more confident as you continue practicing your reading and writing skills. This course offers a variety of tools that will help you learn in different ways: Situational videos (called Ciak! , which means “clapperboard” in Italian): you will follow eight Italian students in their daily lives and interactions on our campus. What a great way to learn authentic conversational Italian! Downloadable Podcasts: become a participant in each Ciak! video and practice Italian when and where you want on your portable device! Grammar charts, with or without audio files: study and review grammar through concise, clear and downloadable pdf files, and practice pronunciation with our embedded audio files. Short video lessons: as if in a real classroom, learn each new topic with the instructor’s direct guidance. Video interviews: learn from various native speakers as they talk about different aspects of Italian culture. Short “Letture” (readings): practice reading comprehension while learning about Italian culture. Discussion board: your chance to communicate (in Italian!) with other students on a variety of suggested topics. Ready to test your skills? Practice and review with a variety of self-correcting activities. Italian culture is an integral part of this course. Through our interviews and readings you will learn about: the origins of the “made in Italy” in fashion; Italian Renaissance and Baroque art and poetry; the Italian health care system; shopping for clothes and food in Italy. Whether you are a traditional, visual or auditory learner, you will find the tools that best fit your unique way to learn a foreign language. After completing this course, continue learning Italian withItalian Language and Culture: Advanced. Finally … buon lavoro e buon divertimento!

Created by: Wellesley College

Level: Intermediate

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