Penn State Classifieds>Penn State Online Courses>Capstone Chemistry and Technology for Sustainability

Capstone Chemistry and Technology for Sustainability

About this Course

Please note: The capstone project is only accessible for ID-verified MicroMasters Program learners who successfully obtained verified certificate in all MicroMasters Program courses In this capstone project, you will focus on designing a sustainable biobased process. The emphasis of the project is on conversion. You will design a process from biomass to a finished product and discuss your choices for a catalyst, reactor type, organism and feedstock. You should be able to discuss your choices in the broad picture of sustainability while emphasising the conversion aspects of the process. Complete your MicroMasters credential with the final written report in this capstone project. You can only start the capstone project after completingall other courses in the MicroMasters Program in Chemistry and Technology for Sustainability with a verified certificate for every course. Biorefinery: From Biomass to Building Blocks of Biobased Products; Design an effective biorefinery to obtain valuable components from various biobased feedstocks Catalytic Conversions for Biobased Chemicals and Products; Design new (bio)catalytic conversion routes to use biobased feedstocks to their highest potential C From Fossil Resources to Biomass: A Business and Economics Perspective; ****Learn how to market and sell biobased products within a profitable business model

Created by: Wageningen University & Research

Level: Advanced

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