Penn State Classifieds>Penn State Online Courses>Business Communications - The Basics

Business Communications - The Basics

About this Course

The Business and Professional Communications for Success program will provide learners with the essential knowledge of effective business communications to aid in their company’s success. Learners will create appropriate business messages through business letters and messaging and apply proper business communications techniques and business writing techniques. Learners will examine the basics of business communication while working in diverse business environments with diverse team members. This program also examines the various types of business presentations in the work environment. It allows learners to apply their knowledge to create and present their work for internal and external communication. Learners will engage with the fundamentals of business communication. Learners will discover different communication styles and how to address them in a business setting. Learners will also assess their listening styles and emotional intelligence and how both can affect their communication skills.

Created by: Doane University

Level: Introductory

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