Penn State Classifieds>Penn State Online Courses>Artistic Research in Music – an Introduction

Artistic Research in Music – an Introduction

About this Course

Artistic research (AR) is one of the most vibrant areas of creative thought in music – in the academic and professional worlds, but also among artists of all kinds who want to develop their practice by working and thinking coherently through its implications, questions, context and potential. AR (along with its various cognate versions) puts musicians themselves – their practices, their knowledge, experience and imagination – at the centre of the production of new understanding, knowledge, vision and discourses for music. In the current moment of great musical richness and diversity, this is more important than ever. Future or historical, acoustic or technological, performer, composer or producer – if you want to participate in this exciting and expanding field (or just want to know what’s going on) this course is for you. The course is curated by the Orpheus Institute, Ghent – a world-leading centre for artistic research in music. Their artist-researchers are joined by experts from international institutions across the globe, who share their experience and understanding. The course is intended to be accessible to musicians with an expert artistic practice and some engagement with its theory, history, and context – as well as an inquiring mind. Masters or advanced Bachelors students will find this relevant, as well as researchers beginning their PhD, teachers at conservatories or universities, and independent artistswho wish to engage with this exciting field.

Created by: KU Leuven

Level: Advanced

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