NYU Classifieds>NYU Tutors>Urooba A. - Grammar Tutor

Urooba A. - Grammar Tutor

NYU ACT English Tutor
NYU Urooba A. Tutors New York University Students in New York, NY
Hourly Fee: $50
Location: New York, NY
Travel Radius: 50 miles
In-person + Online
Your first hour with any tutor is always 100% refundable!

Personal Statement

I am an Ivy League graduate with extensive expertise in all things reading, writing, and college counseling. I primarily offer three buckets of services: (1) college admissions consulting, (2) English tutoring, and (3) SAT/ACT test prep. I bring a strong background in these subjects through my previous work experience and educational background. In 2021, I graduated from the University of Pennsylvania with high honors. In college, I minored in Creative Writing and wrote for the student newspaper ...

Urooba A. Subjects

Grammar - English - Proofreading - SAT Reading - SAT Writing - ESL/ESOL - College Counseling - ACT Reading - ACT English - Writing - Reading - Spelling - Social Studies - Government & Politics