NYU Classifieds>NYU Tutors>Olya T. - Vocabulary Tutor

Olya T. - Vocabulary Tutor

NYU ACT English Tutor
NYU Olya T. Tutors New York University Students in New York, NY
Hourly Fee: $350
Location: New York, NY
Travel Radius: 350 miles
Your first hour with any tutor is always 100% refundable!

Personal Statement

I am here to help you excel. I have a high level of skill and experience in the craft of writing, and I love the English language. I have worked as a columnist, and I taught essay-writing and literature at UNC. I have taught upper-level writing classes and workshops at other universities. I am also a judge of a literary contest. I can help you produce polished writing in your own voice that you will be proud to submit. I can help you craft exceptionally compelling and original college essays ...

Olya T. Subjects

Vocabulary - Grammar - English - GRE - Proofreading - SAT Reading - SAT Writing - GMAT - SSAT - Study Skills - ESL/ESOL - College Counseling - ACT Reading - ACT English - MCAT - Writing - Art History - Reading - TOEFL - Spelling - Phonics - LSAT - GED - PSAT - Literature - Regents - ISEE - Elementary (k-6th)