NYU Classifieds>NYU Tutors>Logan M. - Algebra 1 Tutor

Logan M. - Algebra 1 Tutor

NYU ACT English Tutor
NYU Logan M. Tutors New York University Students in New York, NY
Hourly Fee: $60
Location: New York, NY
Travel Radius: 60 miles
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Personal Statement

Hi there! My name is Logan, and I recently graduated from Princeton University with honors, a degree in politics, and a certificate in political ethics. I am pursuing my master's in Public Policy at NYU this fall. Previously, I attended a marine science and engineering vocational high school and completed AP Calculus BC, AP English Literature and Composition, and AP Physics C. I have also worked as an instructor at a well-known learning center for three years, assisting students of all ages and ...

Logan M. Subjects

Algebra 1 - Algebra 2 - Calculus - Vocabulary - Grammar - Physics - Microsoft PowerPoint - Prealgebra - Precalculus - English - SAT Math - SAT Reading - SAT Writing - ACT Reading - ACT English - ACT Math - ACT Science - Biology - Microsoft Word - Writing - Elementary Science - American History - European History - Astronomy - World History - ASVAB - Career Development - Reading - Spelling - Elementary Math - Social Studies - GED - PSAT - Literature - Elementary (k-6th) - Government & Politics