NYU Classifieds>NYU Tutors>Fatuma H. - Vocabulary Tutor

Fatuma H. - Vocabulary Tutor

NYU ACT English Tutor
NYU Fatuma H. Tutors New York University Students in New York, NY
Hourly Fee: $75
Location: Bronx, NY
Travel Radius: 75 miles
Your first hour with any tutor is always 100% refundable!

Personal Statement

Hello, I'm an experience 7-12 English educator and I love teaching reading and writing. I've always had a love for the written word. I was the kid who would pretend to go to bed, but would actually be under the covers reading a book by flashlight. Now, my job is to spark and/or maintain a respect for reading that is often lost by the time students get to the upper grades. I graduated magna cum laude in 2013 from Pace University, Pleasantville with my bachelor's as a dual major in English and ...

Fatuma H. Subjects

Vocabulary - Grammar - English - Proofreading - SAT Reading - SAT Writing - Study Skills - ACT Reading - ACT English - Writing - Reading - GED - Literature - Regents