NYU Classifieds>NYU Tutors>Camilla M. - Chemistry Tutor

Camilla M. - Chemistry Tutor

top rated tutor
NYU Camilla M. Tutors New York University Students in New York, NY
Location: New York, NY
Years Tutoring: 4
In-person + Online

Personal Statement

I went to the University of Pennsylvania, where I earned my bachelor's degree in biochemistry as well as a Mandarin Chinese minor. More recently, I've been pursuing premed requirements so that I can attend medical school in the future. I've also been tutoring high school students during this time. I know all about the challenges for high academic achievement that high school students in New York City face because I went through it myself. I take great joy in sharing what I know with others to help them learn, and I share a lot of advice based on the experience I've developed over the years. I can tutor students in a number of topics, but my favorites are math, chemistry, and biology. When I have free time, I like to run and... read more

Camilla M. Subjects

Chemistry - Writing