Carsten Lange

School: Cal Poly Pomona
Department: Economics
Location:Pomona, CA
Overall Rating
rated by 20 students
Rating Comment
Pros: Class structure is straight-forward
Hybrid class
Online quizzes are easy and represent ~30% of grade
Cons: it's not a class you will just walk through if you do not put in the time and effort to study
Watch the lecture powerpoints as soon as possible since once sunday hits, you'll slack off and do back on the quizzes. Take advantage of the online quizzes and ensure you get good grades on the them since they make up a large percentage of your grade.
For the midterm and final, I'd recommend going over all of the lecture slides and blackboard quizzes multiple times. Studying the blackboard questions will be very helpful for the exams.
Grade Received: A
Pros: He's a sweet, smart professor. He's always willing to offer extra help if you go visit him.
Cons: It's hard to understand what he's saying sometimes.
I took the online course. There is about 5 online meetings where he just reviews the materials you guys covered. You don't have to pay attention, as long as you're logged onto the page. As long as you do the reading, the online quizzes are pretty easy. If you don't procrastinate and do last minute assignments, this can be an easy class!
Pros: Online Class, Work due on Sunday nights at 11:45 PM so you can wait to do it until the weekend. It is a good class if you have a busy schedule. It is also good if you can teach yourself.
Cons: Not a good teacher at all, even in the online meetings he doesn't answer questions very well. He is not good at speaking English and he contradicts himself on his online power points. Also, the online videos don't even completely work. He never seems prepared. If I was given the opportunity to switch to a different teacher or to a F2F class I would take it gladly (as long as he is not the teacher). I don't feel properly prepared for tests.
If you already have a good understanding of economics and want to have an easy class, take it. Just expect a few hours of quizzes/work on the weekends (especially chapter 4).
Pros: everything is online
quizzes online
homework online
never have class meetings
Cons: midterm and final are in person
midterm and final can be tricky
pretty easy class. i've encountered worst. if you fail this class, it's all your fault. he's not that demanding in terms of workload and quizzes are very easy *wink*. the midterm and final are tricky, but just review the quizzes and you might get the gist of each section. class consists of mandatory online videos to watch any time but you have to watch them all, 4 online meetings, Aplia and Blackboard quizzes due on Sunday which can be done whenever. just don't slack off or procrastinate and you can pass this class no problem. Grade Received: B+
Pros: I took the online class, so the good thing is that there is no class meeting.
Easy introduction class
Online quizzes are easy and you have plenty of time.
No project or essay
Easy midterm(got 93%) and final (97%)
Cons: Learn by your self
Have mid term and final in class
Aplia homework was hard for most people, but he curves the grade for this. I got 99% after the curve.
It was easy for me but lots of other people were having problem. So don't slack off =)
Final grade 96%, A
Pros: It's an online class and we only meet for the first day of class and for the final exam day too. We also have four mandatory online class meetings where you can ask him questions about homework or whatever problems you have.
Cons: If you have a questions to ask him.. you might need to set an appointment time.
Most of the work is done in Aplia and there are three versions of each problem so if you get together with a couple of friends and.. collaborate you'll do fine
Though the material is fundamental and relatively easy to understand, his lectures were confusing and the book was of little help (an advanced study of economics which made basic principles even more confusing). He teaches almost exclusively from ppts from his other classes and so much of the time, he would skip over material that he said would not be covered in the tests and then low and behold, there they are in the exams! His final exam study sheet only covered 2 of the 6 questions in the exam. The rest you were supposed to know from lectures but good luck there. I attended every class and a number of students commented that the lectures only confused them more. Seems Wikipedia was a better resource for them. In addition, exam questions usually covered detailed analysis of the subjects which were not explained well in the ppts and not covered in the homework. The homework are timed tests on blackboard and good luck there. Many of the questions have more than one correct answer so if you get 2 right and 1 is missing, you get a zero for that question. Terrible way to test one's knowledge. Overall, I do not recommend this class but recommend that you take the undergraduate eqs. At least then it is not assumed that you've already mastered basic economics and they instruct you rather than leave you hanging or going to Wikipedia. Grade Received: B
He's a reasonable professor. Attendance was taken 5 times a quarter, and never twice in a row. The midterm and final make up a great portion of your grade and it's around 30 questions for each exam, so study well. There are weekly blackboard quizzes that are straight from the book & his powerpoints. You also have to respond to 2 posts on the discussion board, and I'm sure he'll give you the full points if you just post. Grade Received: A
Mr Lange Knows His stuff. He trys to be funny which gives you a few laughs but teaches from powerpoints that puts everyone to sleep. No one usaly shoes up beacuse he only takes attendece 5 times in the quater (10 % of your grade). READ -------> THE CLASS IS EASY!!! it consists of weekly quizes online which are open book.(20% of the grade)(free points) THE BEST PART----->the weekly quizes are most important (THEY ARE THE SAME QUESTIONS FOR THE MIDTERM!!)so study the online quizes and you will ace the midterm and Final. just go to class bring your book and pillow and you will be just fine
I took the online class. You do learn alot for an online class, but I thought it was too much busy work. You have to take 2 non-timed quizzes (the Aplia ones are insanely hard) each week and meet online each week for a breeze meeting that takes about 2 hours each time. You also have to watch tons of 20 minute modules for the chapters and its mandatory bc you lose points of you don't (it tracks you). I attended but never listened to the breeze meetings, fast forwarded all the modules, and didn't even read - I just skimmed for the answers for the quizzes. All I did was study the quiz questions for the exams and I got a B+ in the class, which proves that all the extra info and busy work is really unnecessary. The midterm and final only have around 30 questions on them and he does put some of the quiz questions on there. So I guess it's not hard to get a good grade in the class, but it takes up too much time. I was on blackboard like 4 times a week for this class. Overall, he's a good teacher and really nice. Grade Received: B+
I suggest that you sit in front of the class because unlike the other comments, i never was too bored. His midterm, final and quizes are easy and he is a great teacher. I really was able to pick up what he was putting down. He responds fast to your email questions and is very approachable. I didnt use the book too much and you dont really need to. Take good notes on his lectures and youll be fine. Lange is also funny with his lame accent. It could be annoying to some but funny to me. I highly recommend him. Grade Received: A
Carsten Lange was a good overall teacher but his lectures we're really really boring and monotone. His class consisted of a midterm, online quizzes and a final. He taught using powerpoints, which could be downloaded from a home computer. I never used the book. Also when he assigns extra credit, DO IT. In conclusion, I wouldn't take another class with him. His midterm and finals were only 20 questions with 5 points each. Grade Received: C
Welcome to America, where your economics professor comes from a country that was still communist until 1989. To be fair, Lange has learned that greed and money are what run the world, and he teaches his class in the spirit of capitalism. Although I didn't learn anything in his class I couldn't have learned from the back of a Crackerjack box, I suppose Econ 202 is a necessary part of what Cal Poly considers a well rounded education. Since you have to take it anyway, Lange will let you coast through without taking too much time away from watching movies or playing Counterstrike.
He is one of the most boring teachers I have ever had. Hardly anybody even shows up to his class, people usually come to just pick up the attendance tickets. He grades 25% quizzes, 10% attendance, 30% midterm, and 35% final. His quizzes which are weekly do not reflect the midterm and final whatsoever. He puts much simpler questions on the quizzes. The midterm and final are both only 20 questions, so make sure to cram like crazy because that puts a lot of pressure since they are both big parts of your grades. He is almost always hard to understand, his power point lectures are pretty much useless, the book explains everything so much better. I honestly would not recommend him or take a class with him ever again. Grade Received: B
1. He teaches from powerpoints
2. Becuase he teaches from powerpoints it creates a boring learning experience (in my opinion.
3. He is knowlegable in his field, and you will learn something if you pay attention (which can be difficult)
4. He freely admits if he makes a mistake.
5. He responds promptly to e-mails
6. The tests are easy if you know the formulas (Simple formulas at that Revenue = Price * Quantity Sold) and if you understand Supply and Demand graphs/charts (pick your adj.)
7. I found it wasnt really nessesary to attend class, just do the quizes and read the power points and you can easily get an A.
8. However, he does do random attendance checks which is part of your grade. But he never does them two days in a row, usually about once every two weeks, so you can figure when you need to show or when you don't.
Well that's about it.
Knowlegable Instructor, Boring Class (Becuase of teaching style, not becuase of content), Easy A if you understand the material.
Grade Received: A
This guy is great. He knows his stuff and the class is not hard. He makes the class easy. I am not into Econ but Dr. Lange is the guy you want to take for this subject. An open book online quiz at the end of each week, like getting free points toward your grade. 1 midterm and 1 final , only 20 questions, all multiple choice. What's not to like about this class? I got an "A" without sweating for it. I also walked away learning a little about economics, go figure. This is the instructor you want! He's cool!!!
You have to go to class to do well. He has his lectures on powerpoint so you can download them. There are quizes every weekend on webct. One midterm and one final each 20 questions. You have to do well on them to do well in the class. He knows his stuff but its not that interesting so half of the class doesnt go and the half that does show up half of that is sleeping or day dreaming or texting. He cares about his students. If you go to class and listen then you'll be fine.
A good teacher, he really want his students to learn stuff from him. There's quizes every week on the webct (10 questions) and it's not that hard. 1 midterm and 1 final in this class but study for it!! 20 questions each on the midterm and the final but study them because it's harder than the quizes and you can't use his powerpoint. You don't really need the book because his powerpoint is great and it covers everything that you need to know for the quizes, midterm and final.
Lange isn't the best teacher. He knows a lot about economics, but sometimes struggles to get it across to his students because of the lectures. His lectures are all in powerpoint, but he is beyond boring. There is a reason more than half of the class doesn't come. You shouldnt either. Don't buy the book, it isn't relevant, and you will never need it in his class. Just get on WebCT once a weekend for a quiz, check your email regularly along with downloading lectures and you should be set. His class is not that hard, just review the lectures he posts on WebCT and study for the final. The quizzes are pretty easy and all the answers are in the lectures. If you put in the effort in his class you will get a pretty good grade.
Carsten Lange is a areat professor who is really interested in helping his students learn. His teaching techniques are basic, he would have powerpoint lectures which is also up for download at his webpage, if you miss a class you can go over what you missed by going to his website. He really cares about his students, he would email us during the quarter to inform us about updates to his website and information about what to study. He gives one group project, a midterm, and a final. They are all easy if you study the powerpoint slides. He brings candy to class sometimes and you can help yourself to it. He may ask you some questions sometimes but he will not make you look stupid or anything. The only bad thing about him is that he has a german accent that makes it hard to understand him sometimes, but if you ask him to repeat stuff he would gladely do it. GREAT PROFESSOR, CARES ABOUT HIS STUDENTS!!!


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