School: Bowling Green State University
Department: Applied Statistics
Location:Bowling Green, OH
Overall Rating
rated by 8 students
Rating Comment
Pros: Most of this class work is all online. She provides a fill in the blank note study guide to follow along with in class. She is fairly easy.
Cons: She teaches like we are 5 year olds. She repeats the simplest things, and her English is very hard to understand at times. The notes she provides are basically useless, because the online stuff looks nothing like the note format.
It's extremely hard to stay focused and pay attention in this class, because you can't follow her teaching. She's very scattered.
Cons: Very poor English, hard to understand
Pros: Gives you all the notes you need for the test
Cons: Hard to understand because of her accent
Mrs. Xu is a good teacher. At the end of the class, she added 5 points to our AVERAGE, but only for those who attended the class and the 5 random times she gave quizzes (which is the days you can get a point). Her tests are from her notes only, but they can be a little tricky. Fully prepared I would expect somewhere around a 94 on a test, just because knowing the information doesn't always mean you choose the most correct answer. If you go in her tests from just studying the night before, you will fail. You take 4 tests and homework counts as 1 so you have 5 equally weighted grades. She tells you at the beginning if you want to take a zero for the homework and save money, you can. She is willing to help you anytime outside of class. She is passionate about what she does and she tries her best to make it interesting. Long story short, if you ATTEND class and LISTEN you will have an A.
Pros: she gives quizzes and if you come to class the day of the quiz she gives you the points for the quizzes whther right r wrong although she did grade 1 out 4 or 5 quizzes on accuracy but she lets you work in groups and use notes on quizzes. she gives attendance extra credit points
Cons: she speaks ok english but not the best. she picks random days to take attendance and if you just so happened to miss that day you lose 1 out of 4 extra credit attendance points. so say you miss 4 days and on those days she happened to take attendance but you were present every other day. you still cant get the extra 4 points for attendance. no make up exams. in my opinion 50 minutes was not enough time to take her 40 multiple choice test but i like to take my time might be different for you.
Test are generally just like the in class worksheets. Otherwise this class is horrible boring and she is difficult to understand.
Xu Xu (pronounced Shu Shu) is a very good professor. This was her first semester teaching, so it was a learning process for her as well. As the semester went on, she became more comfortable teaching, and did a better job explaining things. She gives fill in the blank notes that are easy to follow along with. Her tests are directly off those notes. If you halfway pay attention in her class, then you will do well.
Cons: can not teach
Pros: Easy class, tests are straight from the online homework, very fundamental.
Cons: She speaks rugged english. She rambles on and on about things and makes you think that the info is very complex when it really isn't.
She will spend thirty minutes poring over some basic topic and make you think that it is super hard and very abstract. Then you look at it online or in the textbook and you can understand it in about 45 seconds. The class is easy, it's just hard to follow her all class.


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