Tommi Cahill

School: University of Redlands
Department: Art
Location:Redlands, CA
Overall Rating
rated by 1 student
Rating Comment
This professor is a bully when she feels like you know more than her. We had a class with two, yes two, students and she spent the time degrading us and trying to teach us as if we were a number. She also has a reputation for bullying professors at the university, and everyone is aware of it. I would highly recommend taking photography classes somewhere else or learning independently because everything I know I learned from other professors in the Art Department because all she would do was tear down my work and then say "it's a good start". But she grades very easily to try to hide the fact that she bullies people out of the classes, large intro classes. Next to no students in the major and does not allow artistic expression unless it fits her ideas of what art is (to her)


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