Steven Ellis

School: University of Louisville
Department: Biochemistry
Location:Louisville, KY
Overall Rating
rated by 2 students
Rating Comment
A very "NASTY GUY" is an understatement. If this guy has something against you, you better forget about graduating. He is very interconnected within UofL and he will badmouth you behind your back to other faculty. Essentially, he will ruin your life while acting nice. Try to avoid taking his class if you can. If you can't then the best is to stay under radar. Don't interact with him much because he will judge you and remember who you are. He is an extremely judgemental person. Just don't be late, do your stuff and get out. Make sure you take insanely good notes because it will all come from that on his tests. Forget the book. Good Luck! You will need it with him.
Worst professor. I had to watch YouTube videos to teach myself. I would read the textbook and understand it, but go to his lecture and leave confused. His tests are ridiculously hard, because he emphasizes too much in lectures/homework that isn't even on the test!! What you wouldn't think would be on the test, was, and vice-versa. He does not know how to teach.


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