Salamander Breiter

School: De Anza College
Department: Humanities
Location:Cupertino, CA
Overall Rating
rated by 1 student
Rating Comment
Mind blowing experience in Breiter's HUMI course. How many times in life can a person actually say they experienced a true epiphany? Until this class, I did not understand, how to understand, the gaseous cloud of educational experience and its failings. #F**ckNormal is Breiter's mantra in nearly every lecture, and I actually gained a mass of enlightenment and wisdom. Breiter invites dialog, deeply appreciates student opinion, creates an environment where everyone is special and important and allowed to ask ‘why’ without retribution for a correct answer, and fosters reflection and creativity and action based on one’s reality. Any course taught by this professor would be a life altering great choice.


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