Robert Alexander

School: University of Dallas
Department: English
Location:Irving, TX
Overall Rating
rated by 2 students
Rating Comment
I took several classes from Robert Alexander while a student at the College of Norte Dame, now Notre Dame de Namur University in Belmont, CA during the late 80’s. He was an inspiring teacher who really opened my eyes to the wonders of Shakespeare, Dante, and the ancient texts of the Iliad and the Odyssey. In fact, he inspired me to go on to receive an graduate degree in English Literature and teach at the college level for 20 years. Inspiring, incisive, tough, but ultimately one of the most enlightening teachers I have ever had.
Dr. alexander was my lit professor at College of Notre Dame in the 90s. His course was my first college course and I really enjoyed it. We read one book every two weeks and wrote an essay on it, and you can bet that reading Iliad in two weeks was not very easy, let alone trying to write an essay about it. I read more books in two semesters with him, then i have in my entire life, before or since. He was a great professor, who knew his stuff and was willing to discuss all points of view and would always help you with questions or understanding. some comments here are made by the same miserable, dumb, and lazy person, who is clearly blaming the professor for the student's failure...some students need to just accept that they are too stupid for college.


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