Paula Risko

School: Florida Community College
Department: Mathematics
Location:Jacksonville, FL
Overall Rating
rated by 2 students
Rating Comment
Prof Risko is the best professor I've had so far. She gives clear instructions and her lectures are enjoyable and informative. We work out lots of math problems together during class. When I ask her questions, she stops and she answers them. If you miss a question on the quiz she will tutor you so you will pass the exam. She shows you how to use math in life. She's a caring professor, grades quickly, and is easy to contact for questions. I don't fear math anymore. I am going to take her again.
This professor feels as if this class is the only thing you have to focus on. I was so bogged down with home work, summary questions, lab assignments and special projects. The note book is graded based on all of the above and test / quiz corrections. I had to drop to part time at my job and use my study time for other classes just to keep up with the work load. you can pass every test with a "C" and still not pass this class. Also, when asking question be ready for her to demean you. I have never had an instructor make me feel stupid..until now. If you have the time for the work load and time to go to tutoring, then this class should be a breeze. Working professionals STAY AWAY!


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