Melissa Weinstein

School: College of Southern Nevada
Department: Communication
Location:North Las Vegas, NV
Overall Rating
rated by 1 student
Rating Comment
Emails go unanswered, she is very unorganized, unprofessional when you tell her you can't find assignments due to errors she made in uploading, she always has an excuse and it's never her fault, canvas illiterate and could seriously benefit from training on use of it or possible get help from other instructors who know how to use it. 4 week summer class and several grades not graded from weeks 1 and 2 at the end of week three and the start of week four/final week, conference class at her whim - unstructured/unknown duration - with kids in background screaming/playing and phone constantly ringing, the speech videos due by noon Sat and not even looked at until W/Th only for her to say wrong format and you need to resubmit. I AM VERY DISAPPOINTING FOR A COMMUNICATION PROFESSOR.


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