Matt Reavy

School: University of Scranton
Department: Communication
Location:Scranton, PA
Overall Rating
rated by 1 student
Rating Comment
Dr. Reavy is great at what he's teaching. He will answer your questions and will assist you, however don't expect this outside of class. I had the privilege of seeing this first hand because I had asked a question about a project through email. I so happened to be with a fellow colleague of his and I won’t delve too into this but he basically made me out to be an irresponsible student who didn’t check their emails when in fact at the time he replied to my email, I was a in class. For those curious the email was quite nice and helpful that he sent me…if only he spoke the way he did in the email when the colleague was with me. For those who are going to take Dr. Reavy please be mindful he is not the same person- at least when another professor is around. If you do need to ask him it is better to do it in class or when you have the chance to be one on one with him, it will spare you the ridicule.


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