Mary Lou Poloskey

School: University of Texas at Austin
Department: Finance
Location:Austin, TX
Overall Rating
rated by 2 students
Rating Comment
The type of professor that teaches as a means to earn a paycheck. She does not value her students and is the worst finance teacher I had at UT in terms of finance knowledge and empathy for others. She is very unhelpful during office hours, and is quick to anger if you ask her for help on the assigned Wiley homework assignments. Instead of helping her students learn finance concepts, she tries to turn office hours into social hour and makes small talk and gossip. Her lecture is based on fill in the blank slides and she takes note of people who do not attend class. She is petty and makes it clear if she favors you or disfavors you as a student. She is also bad at responding to emails, as I tried to contact her repeatedly for several weeks about moving an exam due to a severe medical accident that happened to me. I ultimately had to ask the Head of the Finance Department to intervene and he was able to resolve the problem.
Poloskey reads off the Powerpoint and provides no explanations. Furthermore, questioning the content in her Powerpoint is discouraged. Office hours are also useless. She does not make or understand her own material. Avoid this professor at all costs.


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