Leonard Jacuzzo

School: SUNY at Fredonia
Department: Philosophy
Location:Fredonia, NY
Overall Rating
rated by 2 students
Rating Comment
Everyone always remembers Jacuzzo's classes after they graduate. The one thing most people ask each other when they find out they both graduated from SUNY Fredonia is, "Did you have Jacuzzo?" and then they will trade tales about how he would say the craziest things that actually made sense. Great professor for an initially hard set of concepts to grasp.
Leonard Jacuzzo is a brash, heavy handed professor that comes across as an uninformed Che t-shirt wearing Buffalo Bills fan. Some of this is true, but to correct the misunderstood nature of Jacuzzo let me inform you that he is: 1.) Well informed in everything that he commits his mind to either wearing or what he talks about. Every word. 2.) He comes off as brash and heavy handed because he has standards and expects students to think heavily about pretty much everything in their lives. 3.) His classes are pretty much a breeze if you actually read and digest the material, and then go to him during office hours to clear things up. 4.) He is extremely helpful but expects you to work through certain things on your own. He won't hold your hand, but he will guide you through the dark with good directions. 5.) He is a genuine good guy and a great professor who loves his subject matter and is always concentrating on his craft. He is also very in tune with teacher advocacy fighting for fair pay and treatment for all levels of teaching.


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