Kris Nugent

School: Mira Costa College
Department: Art
Location:Oceanside, CA
Overall Rating
rated by 1 student
Rating Comment
Kris Nugent is absolutely the best art teacher I've ever had. She is extremely talented as an artist and a teacher. I learned so much in this life drawing class and was amazed each week how she was able teach us to draw like Michelangelo. She was able to adapt her traditional art class, to a online/ zoom class. Amazing how well everything worked out this semester because of her determination, talent, and her willingness to go above and beyond. She is also really funny and very entertaining. Always positive, always enthusiastic. I always enjoyed seeing her creative videos, demonstrations, and live chats. She spent countless hours preparing for class, posting helpful examples and reviewing work. I highly recommend this art professor, have fun, learn to draw, get college credit.


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