Kathleen Henry

School: Ashford University
Department: Philosophy
Location:Clinton, IA
Overall Rating
rated by 3 students
Rating Comment
I hated her guts, she was one of my last 3 professors and was the only one of 30 professors that made me feel that way about her. It was a class on leadership and alot of the material was already familiar because there are several courses in the coastguard that cover that. She made an easy class way much harder than it needed to be. Instead of grading discussion posts by effort and communication between classmates she grades it as a full apa paper hardcore with very strict guidelines that were often Confusing to relay. I always thought discussion post were supposed to bring clarity to a subject and then papers and quizzes coming after were supposed to be perfect. She was so unclear about every weeks expectations and was a disappointment in my eyes.
I hated her guts, she was one of my last 3 professors and was the only one of 30 professors that made me feel that way about her. It was a class on leadership and alot of the material was already familiar because there are several courses in the coastguard that cover that. She made an easy class way much harder than it needed to be. Instead of grading discussion posts by effort and communication between classmates she grades it as a full apa paper hardcore with very strict guidelines that were often Confusing to relay. I always thought discussion post were supposed to bring clarity to a subject and then papers and quizzes coming after were supposed to be perfect. She was so unclear about every weeks expectations and was a disappointment in my eyes.
Grading is inconsistent there is no way to tell if your work is actually good or bad. I got the same discussion grade for two of the weekly discussions. I went above and beyond one and the bare minimum on the other. They were both marked down with the same amount of points.


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