Karen Rowan

School: California State University-San Bernardino
Department: English
Location:San Bernardino, CA
Overall Rating
rated by 1 student
Rating Comment
The scholarly articles used were not based on empirical evidence and pedagogies were unrealistic. They lacked any academic value, meaning study, reason and practical application to support any of the tutoring approaches*. One of the articles focused on the problems of tutoring "under-educated urban" students that came to college in the post 60's civil rights era and ESL (second language learner) students. The issue is most 4-year colleges don't even teach ESL and the "under-educated" students the writing center bemoaned teaching were educated at the same schools the so-called regular students attended. The articles seemed racist, made up and didn't even manage to create pedagogies that would address issues they claim existed. *Approaches refers to ill thought-out pseudo-theories to address fictitious problems irrelevant to a 4-year university which was what the class was supposed limit their research to.


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