Johnie Reed

School: Cuyahoga Community College
Department: Business
Location:Cleveland, OH
Overall Rating
rated by 2 students
Rating Comment
Overall the assignments given were easy. However not a very good professor. He gives very vague instructions and then gets mad when the class asks questions and is confused. He doesn't respond to emails and doesn't pay attention to the class. We have new assignments posted every week and one week he posted a quiz and a writing assignment and both were unavailable to the class. Everyone was discussing how they were unable to do the assignments in the discussion board and he gave no response until the end of the week and gave us one day to complete both assignments. Additionally, we have a ten-question quiz every week with 12 minutes to complete which is completely fine. But one of the weeks he assigned a quiz that was 25 questions and only gave us 12 minutes to complete the quiz which is ridiculous. Students asked for more time on the discussion board and he gave no response everyone was stuck with a bad grade for the quiz because they were unable to complete it in the amount of time given. Would not take one of his classes again.
There is zero communication. He doesn't reply back to emails. Finally received a response back when I posted the question on discussion board, but it was days later. The instructions for the research paper is horrible.


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