John Sherman

School: Wright State University
Department: History
Location:Dayton, OH
Overall Rating
rated by 1 student
Rating Comment
I dread giving professors bad reviews, I only do it if it needs to be done. Do not take John Sherman's class! This is the hardest class I have ever taken. Not to say classes will not be hard, but, let's just say, I worked the hardest I ever had in my life only to get a D. I was brave enough to go to his office to ask questions. When I did, he was anything but helpful. If you are part of ODS, he does not take it into consideration. This class took my focus away from all other classes and everything else in life. All my focus was on trying to pass his history class, and I barely did. This class caused and ungodly amount of anxiety, stress, and studying. I had to have put at least 58 hours into staying for his final exam so I could pull a D in the class. That is not at all an exaggeration. All quizzes were based off reading comprehension. He does not want you to comprehend important things, but little useless details. I also had to teach myself about things to try to pass the exams because they were based off what he talked about. The only things he seemed to talk about was death/murder or homosexual aspects of any part of history. Again, I hate to give bad reviews, and I wish I had something positive to say.


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