John Grenfell

School: Riverside Community College
Department: Mathematics
Location:Riverside, CA
Overall Rating
rated by 2 students
Rating Comment
he is a good teacher if you wanna pass this class so take his class
Webassign homework was little harder than what we learned in class, so I had to look at my notes and the text book a lot but I kept going until I get at least 90+% for each section. His exams where fair enough. I freaked out one of those exams and got a bad grade, but he gave us one make-up test which helped my grade. I enjoyed this class very much. I think students who got bored in class were simply because they were not prepared. Yes, there were a lot of "self teaching" during homework, but that actually helped me to improve my math skills because I had to figure out those answers. Read your book especially extra notes on the side of each problem. (They are like hidden treasures!!) I used tutoring services about 2-3 times every week. If you figure out on your own, you will learn lot more than just wait someone gives you an answer. Take notes everyday. Be smart! just take notes which you think important to remember. (Don't just copy what the teacher writes on board. Add "Why it works that way") Make your note "colorful" so make it looks more interesting when you study from your note. Mr. Glenfell is a great teacher. He knows the material and funny! I am glad I took his class. Thank you very much, Mr. Grenfell!! Good luck, everyone. Remember practice makes it perfect!!


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