Jennifer Webb

School: University of Minnesota-Duluth
Department: Art History
Location:Duluth, MN
Overall Rating
rated by 1 student
Rating Comment
Overtly pompous, brags with her obvious knowledge accumulation, and “assumes an air of superiority” via tactless condescension. Many times openly and willfully voiced less-than-veiled, personal putdowns. In her class City as a Work of Art she often mocked the 3 credit nature of the course, implying insignificance and regret at purposeless effort. Shows a disregard for non-art students and first-year students. Sets rules like a capricious authoritarian and exercises an extraordinary memory of these rules. There is much to learn in her class, as in all college classes, but Prof. Webb hasn’t discovered the lure of the carrot, and instead seems to rather enjoy the employ of the stick, or rather the vile threats of a well-worn baton. Much to learn from Prof. Webb, but would not recommend.


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