Eva Iskander

School: California State University-Dominguez Hills
Department: Education
Location:Carson, CA
Overall Rating
rated by 3 students
Rating Comment
This professor is not like anyone I knew She works hard and stay long after class to teach everyone who needs help. She never says no to a meeting. I’m a visual learner and to me everything has to be written and clear. The syllabus Dr iskander gave us was very detailed and clear. The course was explained and I found the PowerPoint lessons very useful because I could study from them. This is a class I can never forget. I’m very proud of my research but I would not have finished it without Dr Iskander’s guidance.
This professor is not like anyone I knew She works hard and stay long after class to teach everyone who needs help. She never says no to a meeting. I’m a visual learner and to me everything has to be written and clear. The syllabus Dr iskander gave us was very detailed and clear. The course was explained and I found the PowerPoint lessons very useful because I could study from them. This is a class I can never forget. I’m very proud of my research but I would not have finished it without Dr Iskander’s guidance.
Dr Iskander’s class was worth it for my time and money. I was afraid to take it but she made it so clear and explained everything I needed to do. It’s so much work but I learned so much. I would ask for a meeting and she would meet right away. She made learning interesting with her pleasant character. Her syllabus was clear and all her lessons were organised. She knows how to teach graduate students who are struggling with jobs and life and need one on one support and quick feedback. She read my work so many times to improve the quality of my action research. I had no professor like her before.


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