Erica Jablonski

School: University of New Hampshire
Department: Sociology
Location:Durham, NH
Overall Rating
rated by 1 student
Rating Comment
If you don't understand the material, she will make you feel inferior. It needs to be understood that for many this is not their field of study, and will not be. Being made to feel that we are not fully knowledgeable about the materiel should be looked at from a standpoint that we are not inferior, we are just not subject matter experts and probably will not be. Learning should be one where discussions about the materiel help one actually learn from a scientific and non-scientific viewpoint. This instructor does not want any of this type of discussion. It is purely book and cited from the book, which does not make for use of critical thinking skills or make discussions enjoyable. I believe that the way she tries to be helpful is by showing you on a weekly basis that you are not looking for the answers correctly which is fine, but it comes across in an impersonal way, thus making you feel inferior.


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