Cynthia Taylor

School: Dominican University of California
Department: History
Location:San Rafael, CA
Overall Rating
rated by 1 student
Rating Comment
HORRIBLE. Boring and patronizing. She's also lacking the basic knowledge you would expect from a professor. She told me I used a word that "didn't exist" in one of my papers. I double-checked and yes, it's a real word--it's in the Oxford Dictionary, no less. Consistently terrible throughout the semester. She lowered my grade on an assignment because I supposedly turned it in late, but I submitted it on time. She played favorites with the students (the history majors she's had in previous classes are the only students she seems to like) and wasn't even subtle about it. Worst of all was how terrible she made me feel about myself. She implied I shouldn't stick with my chosen major because I'm not good enough. She made me question my skills, ability, and aptitude as a student, and not in constructive or helpful ways. She gets away with cattiness and cruelty by hiding behind a sickly sweet, condescending smile and attitude. It's gross. Additionally, her classes were unfocused, her lectures were halfhearted at best, and she relies too much on a few books and letting the students talk aimlessly in unmoderated "class discussions."


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