Carol Delaney

School: Texas State University-San Marcos
Department: Curriculum & Instruction
Location:San Marcos, TX
Overall Rating
rated by 1 student
Rating Comment
Carol Delaney is a delightful professor. The three books we read for RDG 5340 proved to be quite valuable readings, relevant in every way to the course content. I thoroughly enjoyed this class and feel that I definitely got my money's worth out of it. You will do a substantial amount of writing (come on people, it is a writing class!). All of that being said, for a graduate professor, she is highly disorganized. Every other week, there were discrepancies in her paper and online syllabus, assignment due dates posted with three different due dates, different places online. This was almost a weekly occurrence and was incredibly frustrating. She was fair and adjusted grades when she realized her mistake. Weighing in both sides and knowing what I do now about her class, I still would have taken it. I did get an A in the class.


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