Bill Frost

School: College of Southern Nevada
Department: Mathematics
Location:North Las Vegas, NV
Overall Rating
rated by 1 student
Rating Comment
He created a book himself and it was free which you think is nice at first until yourself and other students find countless mistakes which to me was not okay. Many people are bad in math as it is, and to have to do a teachers job for them while trying to figure out the class for yourself is not cool. I would have rather paid for a book without mistakes so that I wouldn't have to stress about whether the teachers answer key was right or wrong. His examples weren't very helpful, and having him as a teacher felt as if you barely even had a teacher at all. It felt as if he was setting you up to fail. I fought my hardest but in the end had to drop his class. I had very intelligent people trying to help me with his class and even they were appalled at his work and him as a teacher. Be forewarned.


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