Bentley Anderson

School: Virginia Wesleyan College
Department: Theater
Location:Norfolk, VA
Overall Rating
rated by 1 student
Rating Comment
Mr. Anderson was commonly late to the few classes he taught. He was commonly eating. If any student was late? he slashed their grade regardless if they were a single mother who had a car accident on the way to class, but still somehow made it. When I attended, he only held a Bachelor's degree. In fact, when I was a Junior, I had more credits than he graduated. I recently looked him up and found he passed away. In his obituary he was called a Professor. Unless he achieved his Masters and Doctorate in the 7 years between my graduation and his passing from Alzheimer's, I don't see how he was truly a professor. He should never have been a teacher. He was lazy and cruel. I got an A in his class, so this isn;t sour grapes.


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