Barbara Oberlander

School: Santa Fe College
Department: Social Science
Location:Gainesville, FL
Overall Rating
rated by 1 student
Rating Comment
I am 61 years old and took American History 1 with Dr. Oberlander in 1979. She was a very good lecturer and covered a lot of material. Tests were always short essay and you had to study to make a good grade. I studied a lot, and made an "A." We wrote one term paper. She engaged the class in her lectures and a lot of students contributed to discussions. We stopped just before the Civil War. The textbook was good, and we also read from an anthology that contained a large number of interesting articles. Some class lectures of course focused on slavery (may it never return). She told me how she studied documents in the South Carolina state archives (in Columbia) almost daily, for seven months, for her doctorate work. She found no evidence to support the outrageous claims made in defense of the Ku Klux Klan (may it go away), that it was founded to protect former slave owners from being harmed by their former slaves. Charles, Jacksonville.


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