Armin Lahiji

School: Hunter College
Department: Biology
Location:New York, NY
Overall Rating
rated by 2 students
Rating Comment
Please do yourself a favor and avoid this "professor" at all costs. He will take his time and not respond to your e-mails or concerns in a timely fashion, it will take 1-3 weeks. He is biased in grading assignments and chooses favorites in his class to benefit. You could complete the same assignment as another student, he will deceivingly give the other student a much better grade. In addition, he is racist in regards to being harsher on minority students and will give leverage to selected ethnic groups. Overall, you're better off taking this course through another university than taking his course, please do yourself a favor and don't go through this torture.
Please do yourself a favor and avoid this "professor" at all costs. He will take his time and not respond to your e-mails or concerns in a timely fashion, it will take 1-3 weeks. He is biased in grading assignments and chooses favorites in his class to benefit. You could complete the same assignment as another student, he will deceivingly give the other student a much better grade. In addition, he is racist in regards to being harsher on minority students and will give leverage to selected ethnic groups. Overall, you're better off taking this course through another university than taking his course, please do yourself a favor and don't go through this torture.


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