Anthony MacIejewski

School: Colorado State University
Department: Electrical Engineering
Location:Fort Collins, CO
Overall Rating
rated by 24 students
Rating Comment
Hardly communicates well about research work. You will have to learn quite a lot on your own, and classes are gonna be "waste-of-time" - in Tony's words. You should have solid CS, and math background, else it is gonna take whole lot of time to do research with him. Makes you work real hard for papers, and dissertation. Those are most challenging times, I recount. He forgets commitments, and you should know all the deadlines of graduate school, and several other course deadlines. Don't fritter time in making friends in department because nobody has time to remember nobody. I researched hard, and it turned out to be good. He will not be clear on several occasions, but will be easy on requirements unlike most of the remaining professors in department.
Too much of false pride, has failed to organize higher education in department, and decisions are seldom taken in best interest of student. Avoid this ECE department, so long so M stays here.
Good professors do not wear suits and bad ones do not wear a mask. The mathematics in the class is futile. The course is old and completely outdated. The research group is inactive and lot of students regularly leave for better options. Avoid the class and advising from Tony at all.
Tony's class was bad and he turned out to be mean enough to spoil my enthusiasm to pursue electrical and computer engineering. In meetings, research took longer to complete and I had to publish old research work. Over the years, he supported unethical and corrupt practices. Currently ECE ranks lower in professor's treatment of graduate student across all department. Tony can be as mean as he wants to be - university does not have any methods to shield student from such cruel leadership. You watch out !!!
Tony is a very rude and snob. He does things just to pretend nice, but he is not a good person. The exams are way too bad and he can hardly explain the critical topics. I hope I never have to take a course from him ever again.
He has a habit of yelling - and he can then go on hiding it.
A bad adviser - there is no advising at all - with a fickle mind, he keeps changing topics. He has no respect for student's time. He really thinks - like a spoiled brat - he can not be humble and everybody should work for him 24by7. Overall Tony is a very rude and cold professor.
Tony should shave off his beard. He is spreading bacteria and made me sick. His beard contains more bacteria than poop in toilet. Eowww.
Pros: Tony mucks around with student like a piece of meat. Tony likes to fry research and student's progress. He is always eager to end career for another graduate student. He never has time to understand research and creates a bad reputation leading to complete misrepresentation of science. As you see there are no Pros.
Cons: He employs unimaginable unethical methods to make sure that everything is difficult. Unreasonable as he is, you are soon on a ride of whims and caprices. In his mind, Tony adheres to unflinching allegiance to unending cruelty and inhuman apathy. He believes he has a privileged position in university whereby he inherited all the rights to kick researchers and graduate students.
I was referred to take Tony as an adviser. Tony is not a good adviser. I had high expectations from Tony both academically and non-academically because he is heading ECE department. Soon my expectations were cut short when he began being rude for trifles. He is extremely cold and almost numb to reasonable demands. His fervent hatred towards low income students is a standard yet to be broken. Everything has to be important to him, else research work is insignificant. Such Humphrey Davis makes sure, there will be no Michael Faraday in coming centuries at Colorado State University.
Pros: Digital Circuit Logic is prerequisite for several courses that I plan to take in ECE. I have known M (Tony) from ECE 251.
Cons: The class focuses on rote memorization. The exam is to test only one aspect of human brain, memory.
M likes one-way lectures where he can stand and deliver very long and tiring speeches for hours. For listeners, it can be boring.
Problem-solving is never creative. He goes by old worn-out methods that are all over the book. I learned more from Little Shop of Physics than this course.
I would rather take course in Physics than in ECE.
Pros: :(
Cons: He royally screwed my chances to graduate in time. Research papers with him took so long to publish that my potential employers got frustrated and reversed employment offer.
Not good advisor.
Pros: He is very condescending while returning graded assignments and exams.
Cons: He is very condescending while returning graded assignments and exams.
He is very condescending while returning graded assignments and exams.
Pros: His insight to our project was mathematical. Since none of our team members are mathematical, it was really good to have Tony to help us in making our work look academic.
He helped us a lot as department head especially in arranging funds to fully complete project. And then he was also a judge. We got good grades.
Cons: He lacks understanding of hardware. It becomes frustrating when he says, "You are screwed. You should have thought about it earlier." Hardware projects take effort and lots of trial-and-error. I guess academic work is so tangential that he does not realizes that we are putting a lot of effort. I should gift him a book of 'encouraging words'.
He seldom promotes creativity because he made us repeat the work done earlier. He can be bossy and didn't realize that there is no fun in repeating previous work. We didn't get good marks for creativity.
He is good when he is good. When he is bad, he yells and puts brakes on project wheel. You won't even realize that soon your project is gonna be evaluated. You should keep him for lots of input and not keep him to be creative.
Pros: He is the best.
Cons: He is the best.
As long as I get an A, he is the best instructor.
Pros: No math ! This class is liked by several students because the class is easiest among all the ECE classes. Ron Sega teaches class very well. He gets along with the students. Teaching assistants are always eager to help 24-by-7 either in class or online. Most of the assignments are straight out of the book. Teamwork is promoted.
Cons: TAs help even during the fall break, while Tony send emails "I am out-of-office." He likes compliance from his students so much that it looks like slavery. The content of the course is so easy that even a high school kid can dictate....What's the need of professor?
Fake smile: Nobody knows that as department chair Tony just sells the course. He makes it explicit with his suave mannerism. In person he can get cold.
Pros: Does sugar-coated potassium cyanide count? Honey-tongued professor who is ruthless in grading.
Cons: Awful teacher. He seems very reluctant to teach. Pop quizzes are graded very harshly. Overall grading is very subjective.
Very disappointing class. You may expect the course material to be revised and adapted to latest developments in the field but the course material is rather dated.
Pros: Unlike other professors in his department, he doesn't heckle students that much.
Cons: Weher to start? His incompetence in taking actions against exploitative and unethical professors in the department shows that he agrees (and himself practices) abusive attitude towards grad students.
Probably a bad, if not worse, choice for a department chair, course instructor and thesis adviser. His hands-off approach has led to degradation of research environment and grad student slavery. I complained him of being harassed (actually some pretty bad stuff) by my adviser. The next thing I heard was I was forced to switch departments. You should be ashamed of your moral standards, Tony.
Pros: A suave exterior, if you have a liking for it.
Cons: As if the lack of a textbook and meandering lectures were not enough, he is rarely available for questions outside the class.
An incompetent department chair who has let his flock of other graduate advisers run amuck. A number of students have complained to him of open abuse by graduate advisers in his department. But how can he help when he himself has emerged in cahoots with them. In fact, he is one of the abusive, cold-hearted advisers who cares little about the well-being of students and concentrates on only his career goals. PR stunts count more than real research. Shame on him!
Prof. Maciejewski was my favorite teacher this semester. He has a lot of enthusiasm for the material and explained everything clearly, which is a good thing since the textbook used was too deep-dive and in some instances completely lost me. Next chance I get I want to take another course from him.
Dont mess with Texas!
This man has single-handedly ruined CSU's Electrical Engineering Department. Oh, i am not alone. There is a large percentage of extremely unhappy students. This department head should definately find work elsewhere before the inevitable embarrassing collapse of his pathetic leadership tears him apart in full view of the public.


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