Alberto Mendoza

School: Antelope Valley College
Department: Philosophy
Location:Lancaster, CA
Overall Rating
rated by 5 students
Rating Comment
Bigly professor in every word of the sense. Funny, smart, and good looking.
Pros: - meet only once a week
- easy workload
- you finish 2 weeks before finals start
- can leave early during group discussion days.
Cons: - boring papers to read and write about
- 1 in class group presentation
- Most useless class ever
- have to sign in for attendance
-Mendoza does not care about your grade, it is useless to talk to him. When my friend got a 8/15 on the first paper, Mendoza basically said verbatim "Life Sucks". You will have a better chance talking to your mentor about any problems you have on your paper.
This class was a pain in the ass. The mentor in our group was the worst (Dennis Keagle). You can only miss 10 points in the class to get a 4.0 in the class. 9 out of 11 people in our group got a 8/15 on our first paper and had to scramble to get the best grades on the other 2 papers. Mendoza doesnt give a crap either. People in other groups had 4.0. No one in our group had a 4.0.
Tips if you have Dennis Keagle as your mentor:
-Do not critique harshly on your paper at all! Every critique I made was marked down. Hence, a 8/15 on my first paper. Basically, just write a summary of the article you are reading. *Don't use Doig's outline for this mentor, it will not work!
If you have other mentors, just use Doig's outline given in the class and you will be fine!
Really helpful and nice!
I love Dr. Mendoza. He is really funny and VERY helpful in the lab. He will literally look at your plate and tell you exactly what you have for the final project if you get stuck. He is also a very lenient grader, he gives 100% for homework as long as you turn it in, and I think he just gives all the points for quizzes too, because according to my exam grades I thought I was going to 3.5 and I ended up with a 4.0.
Overall a cool guy and a very interesting (yet very stinky) lab.
Actually BLD 450.
Mendoza is a terrible Lecturer, has very thick accent, and makes mistakes on his exam keys (although that gives an extra point to students). He will post slides to learn for an exam the night before. The course pack wastes alot of paper with many blank slides and there are many spelling errors. For example, "whorlwide" (worldwide) and "swams" (swans). It's slightly comical, but really annoying.


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